JUMP TONorthstakeaccountAccount informationgetaccount/apiKeysList all API keysgetGenerate a new API keypostDelete an API keydeletelinkedWalletsList account's linked walletsgetAdd a new linked/external walletpostDelete a linked/external walletdeletesmartContractsGet list of all deployed smart contractsgetGet mined blocks related to a specific smart contractgetGet transactions related to a specific smart contractgetvalidatorMarketplace/buyersList RFQsgetRetrieve a specific RFQgetProvide a transaction hash for an escrow deposit as part of settlementpatchSubmit a quote for an RFQ in ETHpatchvalidatorMarketplace/facilitatorList all RFQs in the marketplacegetGet metadata for the entire marketplacegetGet detailed information about a specific RFQgetvalidatorMarketplace/sellersList all RFQs posted by the seller with optional status filtergetCreate a new RFQpostRetrieve a specific RFQ by ID for the sellergetRegister withdrawal recipient settlement hash for an RFQpatchAccept RFQ quotepatchReject RFQ quotepatchvalidatorMarketplace/webhooksList all registered validator marketplace webhooks for the usergetRegister a webhook to track Northstake validator marketplace eventspostDelete a registered Validator Marketplace webhookdeletevalidatorsGet a list of validators, optionally filtering by key_holder and contract_typegetGet a list of validator withdrawalsgetPowered by Delete a linked/external walletdelete https://api.northstake.dk/v1/linkedWallets/{walletId}Northstake SDK implementation: Nodeimport { NorthstakeApi } from '@northstake/northstakeapi'; const api = new NorthstakeApi('apiKey', 'privateKey') const {body: result} = await api.linkedWallets.deleteLinkedWallet('0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', 'ETH')