Provides methods for liquidity providers (buyers) to interact with the validator marketplace
getRFQDocumentForBuyer(rfqId: string):
Retrieve a specific RFQ by ID for the buyer
const { body: RFQ } = await api.validatorMarketPlaceBuyers.getRFQDocumentForBuyer('rfq-id-1234')
RFQ id: ${}
best quote: ${RFQ.best_quote}
status: ${RFQ.status}
settlement: ${RFQ.settlement_steps}
listRFQDocumentsForBuyer(status? : 'open' | 'submitted' | 'accepted' | 'outbid' | 'rejected' | 'expired'):
List all RFQs for the buyer with an optional status filter
const { body: rfqs } = await api.validatorMarketPlaceBuyers.listRFQDocumentsForBuyer('open')
for (const rfq of rfqs) {
RFQ id: ${}
best quote: ${rfq.best_quote}
status: ${rfq.status}
settlement: ${rfq.settlement_steps}
submitQuote(rfqId: string, ethAmount: number):
Submit a quote for an RFQ in ETH
const rfqId = 'rfq-id-1234';
const ethAmount = 32;
const walletId = 'wallet-id-12345'
const result = await api.validatorMarketPlaceBuyers.submitQuote(rfqId, { eth_amount: ethAmount, wallet_id: walletId });
if (result.status === 201) {
console.log('Quote submitted successfully');
provideEscrowHashForRFQDocument(rfqId: string, transactionHash: string):
Provide a transaction hash for an escrow deposit as part of settlement
const rfqId = 'rfq-id-1234';
const transactionHash = '0x1234567890abcdef';
const result = await api.validatorMarketPlaceBuyers.provideEscrowHashForRFQDocument(rfqId, { transaction_hash: transactionHash });
if (result.status === 200) {
console.log('Transaction hash provided successfully');
Updated 9 months ago