The facilitator endpoints in the Northstake API are designed to provide comprehensive metadata and an overview of the validator marketplace. These endpoints require a specific facilitator API key, ensuring that only authorized portals and sites can access this information. By leveraging these endpoints, external platforms can seamlessly integrate and display detailed insights about the validator marketplace, including the status and details of RFQs (Request for Quotes), directly within their own interfaces and channels. This integration allows for enhanced visibility and interaction with the marketplace, enabling users to make informed decisions based on real-time data.
listAllRFQsForFacilitator(status?: 'active' | 'expired' | 'finished'):
List all RFQs in the marketplace with optional status filter
const { body: allRfqs } = await api.validatorMarketplaceFacilitator.listAllRFQsForFacilitator('active')
for (const rfq of allRfqs.rfqs) {
RFQ id: \${rfq.id}
status: \${rfq.status}
total balance: \${rfq.total_balance}
payment address: \${rfq.payment_address}
getRFQDetailsForFacilitator(rfqId: string):
Get detailed information about a specific RFQ
const { body: RFQ } = await api.validatorMarketplaceFacilitator.getRFQDetailsForFacilitator('rfq-id-1234')
RFQ id: \${RFQ.id}
status: \${RFQ.status}
total balance: \${RFQ.total_balance}
payment address: \${RFQ.payment_address}
validators: \${RFQ.validators}
Get metadata for the entire marketplace
const { body: metadata } = await api.validatorMarketplaceFacilitator.getMarketplaceMetadata()
Total RFQs: \${metadata.totalRFQs}
Active RFQs: \${metadata.activeRFQs}
Expired RFQs: \${metadata.expiredRFQs}
Updated 5 months ago