
Provides methods to manage orders on behalf of a single managed user within the Northstake system. This includes creating new orders, retrieving order details, cancelling orders, and listing all orders.


For more inspiration, check out these recipes involving managed users

cancelOrderForUser(userId: string, orderId: string)**:

Cancel a submitted order by ID for a particular managed user

const userId = 'northstake_user_guuid'
const orderId= '123_321'

await api.managedUsersOrders.cancelOrderForUser(userId, 'order-id')

createOrderForUser(userId: string, order: CreateNewOrderRequest)**:

Create an order on behalf of a managed user

const userId = 'northstake_user_guuid'

const newOrder: Order = {
    orderType: 'stake',
    asset: 'ETH',
    amount: 32,

const  {body:order} = await api.managedUsersOrders.createOrderForUser(userId, newOrder)

    Order ID: ${order.orderId}
    Order Type: ${order.type}
    Asset: ${order.token}
    Amount: ${order.amount}


See these recipes to learn more about creating orders via the Northstake SDK

getAllOrdersForUser(userId: string)**:

Get all orders for a particular managed user

const userId = 'northstake_user_guuid'

const  orders = await api.managedUsersOrders.getAllOrdersForUser(userId)

  for (const order of orders) {
      Order ID: ${order.orderId}
      Order Type: ${order.type}
      Asset: ${order.token}
      Amount: ${order.amount}

getOrderDetailsForUser(userId: string, orderID: string)**:

Get details of an order by ID for a particular managed user

const userId = 'northstake_user_guuid'
const orderId = '123-321'

  const  {body:orderDetails}  = await api.managedUsersOrders.getOrderDetailsForUser(userId, orderId )
    Order ID: ${orderDetails.orderId}
    Order Type: ${orderDetails.type}
    Asset: ${orderDetails.token}
    Amount: ${orderDetails.amount}